Medium size & weight low whorl drop spindle in Lace Sheoak and Dymondwood

Medium size & weight low whorl drop spindle in Lace Sheoak and Dymondwood
Whorl - Lace Sheoak
Shaft - Dymondwood
Inlay - Dymondwood
Hook - Sterling Silver
Weight - about 29 gm ( 1.02 oz )
Length - 28 cm ( 11.02 in )
Width - 7 cm ( 2.75 in )
Medium size & weight low whorl drop spindle in Silky Oak and Dymondwood This item made and designed by Jory Freyee and Malcolm Fielding, in the workshops of the Spindleshop, Queensland, Australia. The spindle shaft of this heirloom quality item is made in Dymondwood for long life and wobble free performance. The whorl is made from Silky Oak from Queensland with lovely flecked grain. The spindle has a handmade stainless steel hook terminal, that has been fine tuned for accurate centreing of the thread. This spindle suits light to medium weight spinning or plying. The medium size shaft and generous whorl size mean this spindle takes a large cop. You can also use this spindle as a supported spindle. The spindle is polished with a high shine French polish and a final gloss of carnauba wax adds durability. This spindle has fast spin and my trademark perfect balance, having been tested on a balance jig and has hidden pin weighting inserted in the edge of the whorl. Dimensions - whorl diameter approx 67 mm, (2.6 in), spindle length overall including hook - 265 mm, (10.5 in), weight about 29 grams (1.02 oz). All my spindles are tested before despatch and drop spindles come with a free sample of Corriedale roving from Tasmania.